Training and consultancy service

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Out of the Shadows has teamed up with Strengthening Practice to bring you something amazing.
This series of three courses from Level One to Level Three will explore and give you a greater understanding of county lines, the connection between county lines and gangs, exploitation within county lines, who is at risk and the indictors that a child may be the victim of county lines.
At the heart of this programme is the aim that professionals gain deeper understanding of what county lines is, the abuse that takes place within this space and be alert to the dangers. The programme will cover some of the theories that underpin county lies including contextual safeguarding, street capital and social fields theory, so that we can really have a holistic understanding of what children and young people are facing on a daily basis and consider how best to help them.
Understanding County Lines - Level 1
This is our foundation level course that provides the learner with the fundamental understanding of what county lines is and the risks this poses to children and young people. By providing the foundation building blocks to learning, we can offer you a sound understanding of the subject area and a secure platform to strengthen and develop your knowledge and skills, which in turn can support your practice.
Understanding County Lines - Level 2
This intermediate level course will inform you on essential concepts and provide a deeper understanding of county lines. This course will build on the Foundation Level 1 course to expand your knowledge, start to explore the structures of the urban street gang and introduce key models and elements associated with county lines. It is important when considering this course that you understand some of the important terminology and constructs. This course will provide the learner with some helpful strategies to enhance practice.
Understanding County Lines - Level 3
This is our most comprehensive course that provides theoretical and evidence-based concepts to develop and support the learner in their thinking and practice. This course sets out to stretch and develop knowledge and skills by introducing and applying key theories that underpin county lines. It considers the impact of extra familial abuse and contextual safeguarding for Leanne (based on a real case), and considers interventions and implications for practice.