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Welcome to my Blog!!

So yesterday I got the official paperwork through to say that I am now the director of my own company Out of the Shadows!! Me…with my own business…I still can’t believe it.

Then I started reflecting on how I have got to this point in my life. I can tell you now, that I have never been given a single thing on a plate. Everything I have, I have had to fight for. Sometimes I think to myself that if people knew the fight that it took to get here then they would also understand why I am so proud of what I have achieved.

This is the start of my new journey. Most of my journeys have been alone apart from my very small circle that I have around me.  I invite you the reader on this journey with me. That’s if you would like to of course. Now, I am going warn you…I can chat!! And there will be times I talk about  what I am doing or have done that I think is amazing. Other times I may reflect on my past. But if you can keep up I think this is going to be another amazing achievement to my collection….Blogger. (Vlogger if I can get someone to help me hahah)

As I said, I officially became the director my own company yesterday, but I also recorded some new videos that will be going out and I can tell you now…a couple….they had some FIRE in them. Scotch bonnet pepper fire I tell ya.

Its been half term so its back to work tomorrow. I will update this as much as I can. If you have any questions you would like me to answer you can email me at

Make sure you visit my website

As for this page, please read…comment…share.




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