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#shemakesme a proud son.


On the 10th of September to take part in #shemakesme. This was in recognition of world suicide prevention day. I was going to write a blog to say how proud I was that so many people took part. I was also going to say how amazing it was to see so many messages blowing up social media from 7 in the morning until midnight. But I won’t.

I will just give you a snippet of some of the messages.

The headline of this blog, “#shemakesme a proud son “was a message my son put on facebook. That one message made me understand that all the hard work involved in something like this is more than worth it.

 Here is our #shemakesme silent prayer.

#Shemakesme proud to be her mama

#Shemakesme proud of all that she’s come through and achieved- my daughter

As a youth worker #Shemakesme want to support young people to not feel afraid about speaking out

#Shemakesme see that there is a future after abuse

#Shemakesme believe in me 

#Shemakesme want to never stop using my voice and sharing my message

#Shemakesme get up…stand up and fight for a better world for her to live in…my beautiful daughter

#Shemakesme determined and inspired: women in law, especially those I work with!

#Shemakesme want to keep on walking when I’m going through hell

#Shemakesme feel proud to be part of such a wonderful group of volunteers. Thank you FiLia women for working so hard every year to make the conference happen xx

#shemakesme push myself harder, face my demons, take myself to the dark places that haunt me. #shemakesme want to fight for justice for those whose voice isn’t as loud as mine. #shemakesme want to change things for those who are still frightened..this is me

#shemakesme know it was not my fault

#shemakesme know that I am worth it

My daughter #shemakesme proud. It’s been a tough year but she bringing up my granddaughter with love & laughter

#shemakesme Smile, laugh and look at every angle of any situation with honesty and reality. She keeps me wild – I keep her safe. An inspirational, feisty and complex human being, understood by few but admired by many. My best friend

#shemakesme Proud to be able to call her my sister·

I’m joining the #shemakesme campaign today will you?

#shemakesme want to share my story.

#shemakesme want to believe in myself.

#shemakesme want to change the world.

#Shemakesme, thankful that I have friends out there.

#shemakesme courageous; when I’m around her, when I see the good in everything she does, when I see how much she has accomplished, when I see the passion burn inside her. She will continue to make me want to do better, make a difference and reach for the stars

#shemakesme know that the street life is not the only way Keedz Amillion

#shemakesme realise anyone can turn it around

#shemakesme see I can step out of my comfort zone with boldness

#shemakesme determined to make changes and to fight for what I believe in xx

#shemakesme evaluate things without even realising she is doing it

#shemakesme understand that we are making a difference. That we are doing a good job and that we must work together

#shesmakesme feel strong and worthy and I that I do make a difference

#shemakesme know what a fantastic wife & mum is, she’s moved to another side of the world to support her husband & still manages to work, study & raise 2 little girls

#Shemakesme she has not got a bad bone in her body, she is always smiling and ready to help she is Hayley Santer

#shemakesme know that no matter how bad she’s feeling she’ll always keep going and always offer a helping hand

#shemakesme proud to see how far she has come in her job role. She works so hard, she is superwoman

#shemakesme who I am today and I’m so incredibly proud to be her mumsy boi!!!! I love you xxxx

#shemakesme proud to have been around to see my friend become a wonderful mum and an incredible teacher

#shemakesme up my game

#shemakesme know that I am worth it

#shemakesme feel loved unconditionally

Special mention to my wife Lisa. Thank you for being there always. In everything we’ve done. #shemakesme #worldsuicudepreventionday #outoftheshadows #filia

#shemakesme realise there are still people in the world who don’t want to drag you down and who will help you without ulterior motive

So many beautiful expressions of appreciation between women today #shemakesme. Who makes you?

#shemakesme want to keep on walking when I’m going through hell

#shemakesme know I can be a leader @FrancesCrimmins

#Shemakesme know that I am awesome @JudeBurger

#Shemakesme know that I am awesome @JudeBurger

#shemakesme proud to be working as a UK clinical geneticist #filia2018

@GraceShoreBanks #shemakesme chant #NamMyohoRengeKyo which keeps me on the straight and narrow #filia2018


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