So, this is my first interview……and what a way to start! Let’s be clear….I don’t know how to edit….wait…I don’t know how to interview….so with this it is very much “What you see is what you get” a down to earth interview (I would say more of a natter) with some of the people I respect and admire. Will my editing be on point….no…? will there be bits that should have been taken out…. yes….
Will this be authentic, real and from the heart…Yes…..and today’s interview is a mixture of a blog and a podcast. I’m sure there is an actual name for that….
In case you still don’t know about Blondy’s people, please watch this clip HERE and you can also read about it HERE.
So, my first person of inspiration is Naomi Donald. She is someone I have followed for a while and someone who makes me go “Damn…I need to up my game” because the work and support she gives young people is epic. Naomi is the founder of PODS – Protect Our Daughters and Sons. Just the name of that alone gives me goose bumps. I won’t go into detail about PODS because you have our video for that which you can view here……see how casual I just said that. I actually want to say…
Oiii Oiiii…you need to watch this video of me and Naomi that I’m just a little bit bloody proud of and you can see it HERE!!!!!
Anyway…. Naomi is that down to earth women that a girl like Blondy needed in her life. Naomi would have helped Blondy to look at relationships different, to understand what a health relationship looks like. In the video Naomi raises an excellent point about where she will challenge young girls on the language that is used about them and around them. No one done that for Blondie It was just excepted.
Naomi talks about domestic violence and abuse from a true and honest place and is able to relate her own experiences to that of others and help them to understand the impact of what is happening to them. She also does all this online stuff that she just underplays! Well no more Naomi…. soz…. I’m making the world know who you are.
Here is an extract of Naomi’s blog to give you a flavour of the realness we are dealing with …
SO that is why Naomi Donald is the first guest in Blondy’s people. Because she is out there making sure that others don’t feel alone and excluded and are educated around what a good relationship looks like.
Me personally, I want to see PODS EVEYWHERE…. If you get a chance to hear Naomi speak GO!!! I could listen to her for hours because I know that she is coming from a place we like to call survival…you may have heard of it.
Anyway…. watch the video …let us know what you think and big love Naomi for being the first guest to Blondy’s people.
You can follow and contact Naomi Donald via:
So let me know…do you want to see the rest of my interviews with Blondy’s people….well….do ya!