Training and consultancy service

Kendra Houseman
Kendra Houseman, Co-Founder of Out of the Shadows, is a trainer and consultancy advisor for all aspects of safeguarding, specialising in exploitation, CCE, CSE and County lines.
Kendra set up Out of the Shadows in 2017 to share her personal experiences with other professionals and raise awareness of child exploitation, county lines, domestic abuse, parental imprisonment, mental health, and school exclusion. Kendra has worked with many sectors across the UK and has a strong understanding of safeguarding within the education sector.
Kendra is a survivor of all these adverse childhood experiences and more. Kendra brings a unique perspective in understanding how this impacts children, how professionals can make a difference and how the system needs to change to meet the ever-changing and increasing risks facing our children.
Kendra has gone on to be gain a degree in Health and Social Care and a MA in Advanced Child Protection from the University of Kent, coupled with a professional career in safeguarding children in education.
A regular media commentator and blogger, Kendra is a compelling speaker and trainer having appeared on radio, television and at national conferences.
Anne grew up in South East London. She worked in Practice Management across businesses for many years. Her move to East Kent 14 years ago involved a significant change of career where she found herself drawn towards working and supporting vulnerable children and young people and their families. She trained in Restorative Practice in early 2016 and supported Margate Police’s weekly Restorative Clinics for a number of years.
She developed a Family Liaison role across the Thanet Pupil Referral Units, and worked closely and proactively with some of the most challenging students and families. Within Out of the Shadows she is delivering presentations and bespoke workshops to professionals and students encouraging a wider understanding and knowledge of the ‘less understood’ issues young people are facing.
Her passion, understanding and conviction to support vulnerable people, without sympathy but with a wish to empower and support them, has grown as she moved into supporting those facing homelessness. She is able to enhance her personal drive and passion with a vast catalogue of training captured over the last years which includes PIE (Psychologically Informed Environments), Trauma Informed Care, Awareness in Children and Young People’s Bereavement, Safeguarding and Housing.
On a more personal level, in 2013 she watched the significant decline of a very close family member’s mental health and now, six years later, with four hospitalised sections of this young person, she continues to use her personal and professional experience and commitment to those in need in her journey to support vulnerable people through Out of the Shadows.